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The application window for the 2021 Water Data Prize has closed.


Am I eligible?

The Prize is open to anyone age 18 or older participating as an individual or as a team. Teams must have at least one US-based member and be able to provide an EIN or SSN if your intent is to be eligible for one of the awards.

I don't know much about water quality or lead pipes. Can I still participate?

No specific qualifications or expertise is required. We encourage outside individuals and non-expert teams to compete and propose new solutions.

What's the deadline for entry submission?

The application window for the 2021 Water Data Prize closed on January 12, 2022 at 5pm EST. No late submissions will be accepted.

What is the purpose of this competition?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Who is EPIC and why are they interested in toxic lead water pipes?

The Environmental Policy Innovation Center builds policies that deliver spectacular improvement in the speed and scale of environmental progress. A nonprofit start-up, EPIC is committed to finding and highlighting the best approaches to scaling up results quickly. EPIC focuses on clean water, endangered species, environmental markets and the use of data and technology in producing conservation outcomes.

EPIC has an expanding program on water infrastructure and has spearheaded the Lead-Free Water Challenge with municipalities to replace all lead service lines within their communities. We are taking ambitious efforts to encourage lead service line replacement in cities all across the United States, and to reduce the disparities of lead in drinking water for American people. We believe that the state of America’s water infrastructure can improve to remove the threat of lead in drinking water for all.

We see the best practices and examples that will be compiled through the Water Data Prize as a vital aspect of ensuring all Americans have lead-free water and are supporting municipalities and the EPA's efforts to make that happen.

How are the entries going to be judged and by whom?

We will have a panel of experts to judge entries across the categories. These judges will represent various voices in the world of water, including federal and state agencies, water utilities, trade associations, community organizations, and academic experts. The entries will be judged on a number of criteria listed on the Guidelines.

Is there any prize money and how is it awarded?

$100,000 will be awarded:

  • $50,000 Water Data Prize Overall Winner

  • $10,000 per Award Category

  • $10,000 for Wildcard Stellar Entry

Although not a requirement to participate, one of the team members must be able to present an EIN or SSN if your intent is to be eligible for one of the awards. The prize money will be split equally among team members after deducting IRS-designated tax liability.

I won't be participating in the competition, but I would like to contribute my efforts in some way. What can I do?

​You can help in multiple ways: recommend a judge, forward this message to your friends and colleagues, and share this event on social media using the hashtag #WaterDataPrize

I have additional questions, who can I contact?

Please send us an email at